Pathologic Wiki

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Pathologic Wiki

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Army Boots
Feet Protection
Item ID

Army Boots is a clothing item found in Pathologic 2 that can be worn by the player. As of Day 10, Army Boots can be bought from tailors, and occasionally looted from houses, or soldiers following the Army's arrival on Day 9. It is the highest quality piece of footwear.

At full durability Army Boots provide:

  • 17% fist resistance
  • 23% blade resistance
  • 25% bullet resistance
  • 30% fire resistance
  • 90% infected air resistance
Army Boots Repair Values
Durability Thimble
Safety Pin
Fishing Hooks
Sewing Box
>75% 1 1
>50% 1 1 1
>25% 1 1 1 2
>0% 1


Hover Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile BachelorProfile NPC Haruspex
Protect against contaminated air. Of exceptional quality. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Protective footwear. Army-issued items tend to be of the best quality.

Touch Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile BachelorProfile NPC Haruspex
"Many a place remains on the face, where people who shoot are yet to set foot." -N.A. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. The army were redeployed to the town to reinforce the quarantine measures almost by accident — or so it seems to an outsider. These sturdy boots were introduced to the town with the 4th Division and immediately gained popularity.


  • Army Boots take up 2x3 inventory slots. They do not stack.

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Army Boots
Feet Protection
Item ID

Protect the feet and lower legs from both infection and wounds, including stab wounds. Make it safe to walk over burning coals and sharp objects such as nails.
Hover text

Army Boots is a clothing item found in Pathologic that can be worn to protect the player's feet.

Army Boots can be bought from clothing stores after the arrival of the Army on Day 9.

At full durability Army Boots provide 30% physical resistance, 10% fire resistance and 20% infection resistance.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12
9000 48000 24000 24000 36000 41999 30000 30000 36000 38999 60000 45000
