Pathologic Wiki

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Pathologic Wiki

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Warning: Use console commands at your own risk. Some commands might cause crashes and game breaking errors.


These commands apply to both Pathologic and Pathologic Classic HD.

P1 console panel

Console commands panel in Pathologic Classic HD

Enabling the console

Open the game directory and go to the data folder.

For Steam: (Disk):\steam\steamapps\common\Pathologic Classic HD\data
For GOG: (Disk):\GOG\Pathologic Classic HD\data

In the data folder open config.ini. Find [General], type ShowConsoleLog = 1 EnableConsole = 1 on the next line, save and exit.

  • Note: ShowConsoleLog does not need to be enabled to use console commands, but it is recommended.

To turn on the console launch the game and press `.


An "actor" is an entity (NPC or object) in Pathologic. Every actor has a numerical ID generated when that actor is spawned, and most actors have a name that refers to their geometry file. IDs are never reused. (A plague cloud is an example of an actor which does not have a unique name.)

All commands are case-sensitive.

Command Description
god Makes player immortal. Damage is still taken and it's still possible to get infected, but the player can't die. To turn off just type the command again.
fly [on/off/0/1] Toggles fly mode for the camera.
id_player Shows the ID number of the player character.
Example: 6995
id_trace Shows the actor name, type, and ID number of the object you aim at.
prop [id_player] [stat] Shows the value of the requested stat for the player character.
vis Returns all the currently visible actors.
actor_list Lists all actors in the vicinity.
id [id] Returns model type for the selected actor.
propl [door_id] locked 0 Unlock a door.
go [location] Teleports the player to a location.
Example: go sobor
map Shows the name of the current location.
items [id_player] Shows the amount of items the player owns and the item names.
Example: items 6986
additem [id_player] [item name] [amount] Adds items to the inventory.
Example: additem 6986 tvirin 5
uspeed [0.0 > 100] Sets the speed of the game. 0 = the fastest, 100 = the slowest.
Example: uspeed 1
gt_speed [0.0 > 100] Sets the clock speed in game. 0 = the fastest, 100 = the slowest.
The value refers to how many real-life hours pass per in-game day. Default is 2.

Example: gt_speed 100
use [id] Interact with an actor remotely (as if you pressed the "use" key on it).
kill [id] Delete an actor.
propf [id] health 0 Kills by giving an actor 'death' (if applicable).
rl [point name] Creates a point at the player's current position and rotation; used with xspawn.
Example: rl Point
xspawn [model_name] [point_name] [xml_file] Spawns a model from an XML file in the Actors folder (or from Actors.vfs) at the given location.
Generally, [model_name] contains geometry and [xml_file] contains attached scripts (including dialogue); for NPCs with complex heads, the XML file also controls which head is used.

Example: spawning an Herb Bride
rl Point
xspawn pers_nudegirl Point nudegirl_common.xml

Example: spawning an Andrey with Peter's head and Peter's default Changeling route dialogue
rl Point
xspawn NPC_Andrei Point NPC_Klara_Petr.xml
sspawn [file_name] Spawns a "static" type model from a file in the Geometries folder (or Geometries.vfs). These objects' location and orientation are hard-coded in the corresponding file.

Graphics commands

These commands change various lighting and color settings, and have no direct impact on gameplay. Further documentation is needed for this category.

Command Description
sun_over [0/1] 0 - off, 1 - on. Whether the sun's lighting is overridden. *Must* be enabled for sun_color to work.
sun_color [red] [green] [blue] Values 0-255. Sets the color of the (overhead) sun lighting. Displays the current sun color when run without arguments.
sun_colorf [red] [green] [blue] The same function as sun_color, but scaled so that the RGB arguments are between 0-1.
amb_color [red] [green] [blue] Values 0-255. Sets the color of the ambient lighting applied to all objects. Displays the current ambient color when run without arguments.
sepia [intensity: 0.0 - 1.0] [hue: 0.0 - 1.0] Applies a solid color filter to the viewport. A hue of 0.1 = magenta, 0.3 = purple, etc. looping to red at 1.0.
Example: sepia 0.5 0.95 - a "sepia" view

Changing the player stats

There are 6 bars you need to take control of during the game. You can change all of them according to your wishes. Use this command: propl [id_player] [stat name] [value]
Example: propl 6986 health 1

You can also use that to change how much money you have.
Example: propl 6986 money 5000 will set your money value to 5000.

  • Note: propl only works with integers. For decimals, use propf. Example: propf 6986 health 0.5 will make the health bar half-full.
Stats names and their values
Stat Value
health 0 - no health, instant death; 1 - maximum health
immunity 0 - no immunity, losing health; 1 - maximum immunity
tiredness 0 - no exhaustion; 1 - maximum exhaustion, losing health.
hunger 0 - no hunger; 1 - maximum hunger, losing health
disease 0 - no infection; 1 - maximum infection, losing health and dying
reputation 0 - the worst reputation; 1 - the best reputation

The player can also manage how much damage they receive and their risk of infection. This is normally done so through equipping clothing items.

Stat Value Details
armor_phys 0 - no protection, receive full damage; 100 - full protection, receive no damage Protection against damage from physical attacks such as punching, falling, rats, and knives.
armor_bullet 0 - no protection, receive full damage; 100 - full protection, receive no damage Protection against gun damage.
armor_fire 0 - no protection, receive full damage; 100 - full protection, receive no damage Protection against fire damage.
armor 0 - no protection, receive full damage; 100 - full protection, receive no damage Protection against all forms of damage. This will override all other damage protection values.
armor_disease 0 - no protection, infection dependent on immunity; 100 - full protection, cannot be infected Protection against becoming infected.


It is possible to bind console commands to set keys using bindcmd [key] [command].

For example, if one wanted to bind the command propl health 1 to the F1 key, they would use bindcmd F1 propl health 1.

The bindcmd settings are stored within the game's setting files, so they do not need to be re-entered each time the game is opened. These settings will remain until the player wishes to manually remove them.


Location Description
cot_eva Stillwater
cot_julia Trammel
cot_lara Shelter
cot_georg Crucible, Georgiy's residence
cot_viktor Crucible, Victor's residence
cot_maria Crucible, Maria's residence
cot_anna Willows
cot_alexandr Rod, Alexander's wing
cot_katerina Rod, Katerina's wing
cot_kapella Lump, Capella's wing
cot_bigvlad Lump, Big Vlad's wing
house_vlad Vlad the Younger's house
house_spi4ka Sticky's House
house_petr Peter Stamatin's house
shouse1_kabak Andrey Stamatin's Pub
dt_house_1_04 Aspity's Hospice
boiny Abattoir
termitnik Termitary, Long Block
termitnik2 Termitary, Short Block
termitnik_mat Taya Tycheek's room in the Termitary
vagon_mishka Murky's Train Car
sobor Cathedral
mnogogrannik The Polyhedron
mnogogrannik_han Khan's room in the Polyhedron
uprava_admin Town Hall's administrative centre
uprava_prison Town Hall's jail
burah_home Haruspex's Lair
d2q01_house1 Isidor Burakh's House
warehouse_grif Bad Grief's Nest
warehouse_rubin Rubin's Hideout
warehouse_notkin Soul-and-a-Half Fortress
storojka Grace's Lodge
theater Theatre
warehouse_rats_race Rat Racing
warehouse_gangster Barley the Barber's Lair
factory Factory Building #3
hidden_room The Power That Be's room


These are case-sensitive. Attempting to add items with incorrect upper- or lower-case letters will give the error "Unknown item". It is highly recommended to spawn items at a maximum stack of 50.


Name Description
lockpick Lockpick
Knife Knife
Scalpel Scalpel
Revolver Revolver
revolver_ammo Revolver Ammo
Rifle Rifle
rifle_ammo Rifle Ammo
Samopal Sawn-Off Shotgun
samopal_ammo Shell
Gun Double Barrelled Pistol
gun_ammo Light Ammo
ognemet_ammo Flamethrower Fuel


Name Description
dried_fish Dried Fish
dried_meat Dried Meat
smoked_meat Smoked Meat
fresh_fish Fresh Fish
fresh_meat Fresh Meat
milk Milk
bread Bread
egg Egg
coffee Coffee
peanut Peanuts
funduk Hazelnuts
walnut Walnuts
lemon Lemon
vegetables Vegetables
rusk Cracker
bottle_water Water Bottle


Name Description
tvirin Twyrine
morfin Morphine
bandage Bandage
packet Bandage Set
tourniquet Tourniquet
black_vaccine Black Vaccine
blue_vaccine Blue Vaccine
white_vaccine White Vaccine
etorfin Etorphine
feromicin Ferromycinium
monomicin Monomycinium
neomicin Neomycinium
novocaine Novocaine
meradorm Meradorm
alpha_pills Alpha-Tablets
beta_pills Beta-Tablets
gamma_pills Gamma-Tablets
delta_pills Delta-Tablets
burah_serum Panacea
powder Shmowder
grass_combination Twyrine Extract
organ_combination Dead Gruel


Name Description
grass_black_tvir Black Twyre
grass_blood_tvir Bloody Twyre
grass_brown_tvir Brown Twyre
grass_savyur Swevery
grass_white_plet White Whip


Name Description
balahon Overalls
bird_mask Executor Mask
bird_balahon Executor Cloak
boot_repel Repellent Jackboots
boot_army Army Boots
cloak_repel Repellent Cloak
drapery Drapery
glove Protective Gloves
glove_army Army Gloves
glove_disp Disposable Gloves
halfboot_repel Repellent Ankle Boots
raincoat_repel Repellent Cape
mask Protective Mask


Name Description
blood Blood
heart Heart
liver Liver
kidney Kidney
diseased_blood Infected Blood
diseased_heart Infected Heart
diseased_liver Infected Liver
diseased_kidney Infected Kidney
lens Lens
syringe Syringe
razor Razor
needle Needle
hook Hooks
flower Flower
watch Watch
beads Bone Necklace
bracelet Bracelet
ear_ring Earrings
gold_ring Gold Ring
silver_ring Silver Ring
kerosene Kerosene
rat Rat
rat_big Brown Rat
patrol_mark Chest Badge
grabitel_mark Razors
bomber_mark Combustible Fluid
hunter_mark Crowbar

Quest Items

Name Description
d2q01_key Silent House Key
d3q01_blood Corpse Blood
d4q01_sobor_key Cathedral Key
d4q01_theater_key Theatre Key
d5q01_heart Living Heart
d5q01_burah_key Cell Key
d6q01_lara_blood Lara's Blood
d6q01_julia_blood Yulia's Blood
d6q01_ospina_blood Aspity's Blood
d6q01_anna_blood Anna's Blood
d6q01_klara_blood Clara's Blood
d7q01_ureport Stone Yard Watchman's Report
d7q01_dreport Earth Watchman's Report
d7q01_mreport Knots Watchman's Report
d8q03_blood Burakh Phial
d10q01_blueprint Peter Stamatin's Blueprints
d11q01_blueprint Andrey Stamatin's Blueprints
d11q06KapellaBeads Capella's Necklace
d11q06KlaraRing Clara's Ring
toy_horse Beast Head
uni_key Warehouse Key
b1q02_blood Transfusion Blood
b2q01_key Burakh's Key
b4q01_sample Dead Tissue
b5q01_heart_vera Willow's Heart
b5q01_heart_nude Bride's Heart
b5q01_heart_butcher Butcher's Heart
b6q01_bull_blood Bull's Blood
b6q03_diary Letters to Nina
b8q02_book Vlad the Younger's Notes
b8q01_bone Bone Horn
b10q03_toy_burah Murky's Toy
burah_father_key Isidor's Key
kleimo_a ‹^›
kleimo_e ‹~›
kleimo_o ‹O›
simon_blood Prosectorium Blood
avroks_blood Abattoir Blood
recipe1 Herbal Recipe #1
recipe2 Herbal Recipe #2
recipe3 Herbal Recipe #3
recipe4 Herbal Recipe #4
recipe5 Herbal Recipe #5
recipe6 Herbal Recipe #6
recipe7 Herbal Recipe #7
recipe8 Herbal Recipe #8
recipe9 Herbal Recipe #9
recipe10 Herbal Recipe #10
k4q01_scull_bag Soggy Sack
Gun_danko Double Barrelled Pistol

Cut Items

black_nakidka leather gloves permanganat detector
silent_boots gray_raincoat probirka soft_gloves
d9_gun_anna diseased_alive_blood sorbent kaul_spray
tihohody Ognemet bull_blood

Pathologic 2

The console can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F4 at the same time. All commands are case-sensitive.


Items can be added into the player's inventory by typing in the command: add_storable -storable:[itemid]


Name Description
Ammo_Revolver_Entity Revolver Ammo
Ammo_Rifle_Entity Rifle Ammo
Ammo_Shotgun_Entity Shotgun Ammo
Knife_Entity Knife
Lockpick_Entity Lockpick
Lockpick_D1_Q7_Entity Bloody Lockpick
lockpick_marble_nest_Entity Lockpick (The Marble Nest)
Revolver_Entity Revolver
Rifle_Entity Rifle
Scalpel_Entity Scalpel
Scalpel_new_Entity Lancet
Scalpel_Rusty_Entity Rusty Scalpel
Scalpel_steppe_Entity Menkhu's Finger
Shotgun_Entity Shotgun


Name Description
Apple_Entity Apple
Arahis_Entity Peanuts
ArmyRation_Entity Army Ration
Bread_Entity Bread
Canned_Food_Entity Canned Food
Chestnut_Entity Chestnuts
Coffee_Entity Coffee
Cracker_Entity Toast
Egg_Entity Egg
Fresh_Fish_Entity Fish
Hazelnut_Entity Hazelnuts
Jerked_Fish_Entity Smoked Fish
Kurt_Entity Kashk
Lemon_Entity Lemon
Meat_Entity Fresh Meat
Meat_Jerked_Entity Smoked Meat
Milk_Entity Milk
Pemikan_Entity Pemmican
Raisins_Entity Raisins
Rotten_Food_Entity Rotten Food
Tan_Entity Tan
Walnut_Entity Walnut
Water_Bottle_Entity Water Bottle
Water_Bottle_Muddy_Entity Muddy Water


Name Description
Analgesic_Entity Morphine
Bandage_Entity Bandage
Tourniquet_Entity Tourniquet
Immune_Entity Immunity Boosters
Panacea_Entity Panacea
Powder_Entity Shmowder
Antibiotic_2_1_Entity Ferromycinium
Antibiotic_2_2_Entity Ferromycinium (+)
Antibiotic_3_1_Entity Monomycinium
Antibiotic_3_2_Entity Monomycinium (+)
Antibiotic_1_1_Entity Neomycinium
Antibiotic_1_2_Entity Neomycinium (+)
Tvirin_Entity Twyrine


Name Description
Tincture_1_1_Entity "Yas" Tincture
Tincture_1_2_Entity "Medrel" Tincture
Tincture_1_3_Entity "Zürkh" Tincture
Tincture_2_1_Entity "Yas" Tincture (+)
Tincture_2_2_Entity "Medrel" Tincture (+)
Tincture_2_3_Entity "Zürkh" Tincture (+)
Brewing_1_1_1_Heart_Entity "Yas" Painkiller (Heart)
Brewing_1_1_2_Heart_Entity "Medrel" Painkiller (Heart)
Brewing_1_1_3_Heart_Entity "Zürkh" Painkiller (Heart)
Brewing_1_2_1_Heart_Entity "Yas" Antibiotic (Heart)
Brewing_1_2_2_Heart_Entity "Medrel" Antibiotic (Heart)
Brewing_1_2_3_Heart_Entity "Zürkh" Antibiotic (Heart)
Brewing_2_1_1_Liver_Entity "Yas" Painkiller (Liver)
Brewing_2_1_2_Liver_Entity "Medrel" Painkiller (Liver)
Brewing_2_1_3_Liver_Entity "Zürkh" Painkiller (Liver)
Brewing_2_2_1_Liver_Entity "Yas" Antibiotic (Liver)
Brewing_2_2_2_Liver_Entity "Medrel" Antibiotic (Liver)
Brewing_2_2_3_Liver_Entity "Zürkh" Antibiotic (Liver)
Brewing_3_1_1_Kidney_Entity "Yas" Painkiller (Kidney)
Brewing_3_1_2_Kidney_Entity "Medrel" Painkiller (Kidney)
Brewing_3_1_3_Kidney_Entity "Zürkh" Painkiller (Kidney)
Brewing_3_2_1_Kidney_Entity "Yas" Antibiotic (Kidney)
Brewing_3_2_2_Kidney_Entity "Medrel" Antibiotic (Kidney)
Brewing_3_2_3_Kidney_Entity "Zürkh" Antibiotic (Kidney)
Brewing_4_1_1_Brain_Entity "Yas" Painkiller (Brain)
Brewing_4_1_2_Brain_Entity "Medrel" Painkiller (Brain)
Brewing_4_1_3_Brain_Entity "Zürkh" Painkiller (Brain)
Brewing_4_2_1_Brain_Entity "Yas" Antibiotic (Brain)
Brewing_4_2_2_Brain_Entity "Medrel" Antibiotic (Brain)
Brewing_4_2_3_Brain_Entity "Zürkh" Antibiotic (Brain)
Brewing_5_1_1_Blood_Entity "Yas" Painkiller (Blood)
Brewing_5_1_2_Blood_Entity "Medrel" Painkiller (Blood)
Brewing_5_1_3_Blood_Entity "Zürkh" Painkiller (Blood)
Brewing_5_2_1_Blood_Entity "Yas" Antibiotic (Blood)
Brewing_5_2_2_Blood_Entity "Medrel" Antibiotic (Blood)
Brewing_5_2_3_Blood_Entity "Zürkh" Antibiotic (Blood)


Name Description
Ashen_Swish_3_rare_Herb_Entity Ashen Swish
BlackTwyre_3_common_Herb_Entity Black Twyre
BloodTwyre_2_common_Herb_Entity Blood Twyre
BrownTwyre_1_common_Herb_Entity Brown Twyre
Swevery_2_rare_Herb_Entity Swevery
WhiteWhip_1_rare_Herb_Entity White Whip


Name Description
Army_Boots_Entity Army Boots
Army_Cloak_Entity Army Cloak
Army_Gloves_Entity Army Gloves
Boots_Entity Boots
DIY_Cloak_Entity Cloak
DIY_Gloves_Entity Cloth Gloves
DIY_Mask_Entity Cloth Mask
Executor_Cothurnus_Entity Cothurni
Executor_Cloak_Entity Executor Cloak
Executor_Mask_Entity Executor Mask
Mask_Entity Gauze Mask
Army_GasMask_Entity Gas Mask
Gloves_Entity Leather Gloves
Town_Cloak_Entity Repellent Cloak
DIY_Boots_Entity Shoes

Other Items

Name Description
Amulet_Entity Charm
Bell_Entity Bull Bell
Bloody_Bandage_Entity Bloody Bandage
Bracelet_Entity Bracelet
Brain_Diseased_Entity Infected Brain
Brain_Entity Brain
Brocken_Ampoule_Entity Broken Ampoule
Broken_Scissors_Entity Broken Scissors
Bug_Entity Beetle
Button_Entity Button
Candle_End_Entity Candle Stub
Chalk_Entity Chalk
Cotton_Entity Cotton Wool
Empty_Bottle_Entity Empty Bottle
Fishing_Hooks_Entity Fishing Hooks
Flask_Blood_Diseased_Entity Infected Blood
Flask_Blood_Entity Blood
Grindstone_Entity Grindstone
Heart_Diseased_Entity Infected Heart
Heart_Entity Heart
Kern_Entity Chisel
Kidney_Left_Entity Kidney (Left)
Kidney_Left_Diseased_Entity Infected Kidney (Left)
Kidney_Right_Entity Kidney
Kidney_Right_Diseased_Entity Infected Kidney
Liver_Entity Liver
Liver_Diseased_Entity Infected Liver
Marbles_Entity Marbles
Match_Entity Match
Metal_Scrap_Entity Metal Scrap
Money_Entity Money
Names_Entity Scrap Name
Needle_Entity Needle
Note_Entity Note
Package_Entity Package
Pocket_Watch_Entity Pocket Watch
Razor_Entity Straight Razor
Ring_Entity Ring
Safetypin_Entity Safety Pin
Sew_box_Entity Sewing Box
Soap_Entity Soap
Spindle_Entity Spindle
Spring_Entity Spring
Talon_Entity Inquisitorial Coupons
Thimble_Entity Thimble
Thread_Entity Thread
Token_To_Ride_Entity Fingernail
Tool_box_Entity Toolkit
Tweezers_Entity Tweezers

Quest Items

Name Description
AbbatoirFlask_Aurochs_Blood_Entity Living Blood
AbbatoirHeart_Entity Heart
AbbatoirNames_Entity Candle Stub
AbbatoirSpindle_Entity Spindle
AbbatoirToken_Entity Fingernail
Aglaya_Papers_Entity Inquisitor's Orders
Baby_Adam_Entity Baby
Baby_Eva_Entity Baby
Flask_Aurochs_Blood_Entity Living Blood
Flask_Bull_Blood_Entity Bull Blood
Haruspex_Lodge_Key_Entity Rusty Key
Isidoor_Children_List_Entity List
Isidoor_House_Key_Entity Home Key
Isidoor_MVlad_Key_Note_Entity Rusty Key
Key_Entity Key
KidsMedecine_Entity Panacea (Marble Nest)
Lara_Confession_Note_Entity Confession Note
Lara_Farewell_Note_Entity Crumpled Note
Leash_Entity Leash
MN_MasterKey_Entity Master Key (Marble Nest)
Peter_KeyForAndrey_Entity Key With No Lock
Plague_Intro_Table_Note_Entity Torn Note (Only available in the Prologue)
Saburov_Pass_Entity Pass
Voronika_Note_Entity Farewell Letter

Kids Notes

Name Description
KidsStash_Flavor_1_Note_Entity Wrinkled Note
KidsStash_Flavor_2_Note_Entity Funny Note
KidsStash_Flavor_3_Note_Entity Stained Note
KidsStash_Flavor_4_Note_Entity Unhappy Note
KidsStash_Flavor_5_Note_Entity Angry Note
KidsStash_Flavor_6_Note_Entity Unfunny Note
KidsStash_Flavor_7_Note_Entity Modest Note
KidsStash_Flavor_8_Note_Entity Exhausted Note
KidsStash_Flavor_9_Note_Entity Snarky Note
KidsStash_Flavor_10_Note_Entity Lost Note
KidsStash_Flavor_11_Note_Entity Torn Note
KidsStash_Flavor_12_Note_Entity Loud Note
KidsStash_Flavor_13_Note_Entity Cold Note
KidsStash_Flavor_14_Note_Entity Fragrant Note
KidsStash_Flavor_15_Note_Entity Scratched Note
KidsStash_Flavor_16_Note_Entity Wet Note
KidsStash_Flavor_17_Note_Entity Curious Note
KidsStash_Flavor_18_Note_Entity Faded Note
KidsStash_Flavor_19_Note_Entity Snide Note
KidsStash_Flavor_20_Note_Entity Moody Note
KidsStash_Flavor_21_Note_Entity Sly Note
KidsStash_Farewell_Initial_Note_Entity Farewell Note
KidsStash_Farewell_1_Note_Entity Polite Note
KidsStash_Farewell_2_Note_Entity Memorable Note
KidsStash_Farewell_3_Note_Entity Crumpled Note
KidsStash_Farewell_4_Note_Entity Coarse Note
KidsStash_Farewell_5_Note_Entity Rhythmic Note
KidsStash_Farewell_6_Note_Entity Scared Note
KidsStash_Farewell_7_Note_Entity Mournful Note
KidsStash_Farewell_8_Note_Entity Confused Note
KidsStash_Farewell_9_Note_Entity Distressed Note
KidsStash_Farewell_10_Note_Entity Dropped Note
KidsStash_Farewell_11_Note_Entity Begging Note
KidsStash_Farewell_12_Note_Entity Tear-stained Note
KidsStash_Farewell_13_Note_Entity Rough Note
KidsStash_Farewell_14_Note_Entity Helpless Note
KidsStash_Farewell_15_Note_Entity Small Note
KidsStash_Farewell_16_Note_Entity Lonely Note
KidsStash_Farewell_17_Note_Entity Sad Note
KidsStash_Farewell_18_Note_Entity Desperate Note
KidsStash_Farewell_19_Note_Entity Damp Note
KidsStash_Farewell_20_Note_Entity Final Note
KidsStash_Farewell_21_Note_Entity Smooth Note
KidsStash_KidsStation_Note_Entity Tidy Note
KidsStash_KhanInNutshell_Note_Entity Hasty Note
KidsStash_Scorlupa_Note_Entity Warm Note
KidsStash_HideNSeek_Note_Entity Dusty Note
KidsStash_Final_Note_Entity Mysterious Note
KidsStash_BlackManLoot_Note_Entity Suspicious Note

Kickstarter Backer Items

Name Description
Backer_Hunt_Invitation_Note_Entity Note to Old Man
Backer_Potion_Entity Dragonfly Eye
Backer_Powder_Entity Old "Shmowder"

Cut Items

Name Description
HalfABrain_Entity A Half Brain
Trepanator_Entity Trepanner
Forceps_Entity Forceps
Visir_Entity Plaguefinder
Blood_Diseased_Entity Cut item
Flask_Empty_Entity Flask
Blood_Entity Blood
Rotten_organ_Entity Cut Item
Pills_Intro_Entity Cut Item


Due to the way the Unity engine works, everything done within the Inspector is updated in real time. Thus, it is highly recommended that when working with the Inspector - particularly player stats - to do so while paused in a menu.


A freely movable camera can be accessed via the console command camera fly, in which the camera has no collision with world objects. However, the Haruspex is not associated with this camera's position - objects cannot be interacted with while "fly mode" is active, new world objects will not be loaded, and the Haruspex can still be attacked by enemies near him (potentially dying if this happens). The player will return to their original position when fly mode is exited, via the command camera FirstPerson_Controlling. Camera modes are case-sensitive.

Player Stats

PlayerStat Console

All expanded menus to reach the Player Stats in Pathologic 2.

All player stats can be manipulated by expanding the following path in the inspector:

  • UpdateService (UpdateService)
    • PlayerUpdater (DelayUpdater)
      • Updatable [9]
        • Element # (PlayerControllerComponent : Simulation/Objects/X)

The '#' is an arbitrary number, usually 0, that has the potential to change depending on what's in the current scene when loaded. The information in (Simulation/Objects/X) is what's important. 'X' is the player object in a given area, as the game treats areas such as the town, dreams, and the Abbatoir as different locations with different rules.

The relevant locations for the player are:

  • Player, the main town.
  • PlayerAbbatoir, the Abbatoir.

Once the appropriate element is expanded, the respective player stats can be adjusted as follows.

Expand the IsImmortal (ParameterValue<bool>) and then expand the Parameter (BoolParameter : Immortal | False). Click the box labelled Value, which should then change Immortal | False to Immortal | True.
While immortal, the player will not take health damage and the stamina bar will not drain, nor will the thirst meter increase. The hunger meter and exhaustion meter will still increase and can cause health damage and the immunity meter can still decrease. However, this cannot kill the player.
  • There is a chance that the numbers of your Elements will change during scene changes and in-game events, thus removing Immortal | True from Simulation/Objects/Player.
Expand the Health (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Parameter : Health | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your health to maximum, and 0 setting your health to minimum, killing you.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Expand the Hunger (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Parameter : Hunger | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your hunger to maximum, so you begin to lose health, and 0 setting your hunger to minimum.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Expand the Fatigue (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Parameter : Fatigue | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your exhaustion to maximum, so you begin to lose health, and 0 setting your exhaustion to minimum.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Expand the Thirst (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Thirst : Fatigue | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your thirst to maximum and 0 setting your thirst to minimum.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Expand the Immunity (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Immunity : Fatigue | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 2. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 2, with 2 setting your immunity to maximum and 0 setting your immunity to minimum.
Expand the PreInfection (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (PreInfection : Fatigue | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value with any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your pre-infection to maximum, meaning that you will then become infected, and 0 setting your pre-infection to minimum.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Expand the Infection (ParameterValue<float>) and then expand the Parameter (Infection : Fatigue | #), with '#' being a number between 0 and 1. You can then edit the box labelled Value any number between 0 and 1, with 1 setting your infection to maximum and 0 setting your infection to minimum.
  • Although it is possible to use decimals, due to the nature of the game's engine, it is difficult to do so and will often result in the value being automatically corrected to either 0 or 1.
Reputation Console

An image of reputation related commands in the inspector.

Reputation functions differently from other stats, as it is not a float value. Although there is an option to numerically edit the player's reputation similarly to other stats, doing so will not actually impact the player's reputation in that district or other districts throughout the Town.
In order to change reputation, expand Reputations [30]. This opens up a list of various actions that can be taken by the player that will change reputation. Expanding any of these will offer the player an Apply button, which upon pressing, will cause the player's reputation to increase or decrease according to the action taken.
For example, using Element 9 (ReputationInfo: MurderNPC) will cause the player's reputation to decrease just as it would have done if the player had killed an NPC.
  • All listed ReputationInfo: AttackNPC and ReputationInfo: MurderNPC when used will result in a decrease in reputation, just as if the player had attacked a regular townsfolk or a guard.
  • Even though Element 11 refers to killing bandits, attempting to apply this will still cause a decrease in reputation.