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Pathologic Wiki
Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

Dora Feugel (Дора Фейгель)
Marat Ranin (brother)

Dora Feugel is a character from Pathologic 2 and Pathologic: The Marble Nest, and the sister of Marat Ranin.


Pathologic 2

Dora and Marat are present in the Town Hall from Day 4 onwards. Dora will inform the Haruspex of a reward fund for saving babies from infected districts. Marat is visible behind her desk, sitting at the cradles. On Day 7, she will show up in cemetery and attempt to take Grace away. If Artemy allows her to, she will inform him the next day that Grace is with Peter Stamatin.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

During the events of The Marble Nest, Bachelor finds Dora and Marat in the Cathedral under self-quarantine. Although she appears to be ill, Bachelor determines that Dora doesn't exhibit any signs of Sand Plague. Her symptoms subsequently disappear once she leaves the Cathedral and goes to the Bachelor's lodgings to help care for sick refugees.

In Bachelor's nightmare, Dora initially appears crumpled against a door, apparently dead. She soon reappears alive, and informs Bachelor that she and Marat were certain that he had died; she also tells Bachelor that his failure to find the carrier the previous day led to a Plague outbreak in the Stone Yard.

At the end of The Marble Nest, Marat indicates that she is at Bachelor's sickbed, and reassures him the she is helping care for the sick refugees.


