- "Medrel" Antibiotic
- "Medrel" Tincture
- "Medrel" Tincture (+)
- "Yas" Antibiotic
- "Yas" Tincture
- "Yas" Tincture (+)
- "Zürkh" Antibiotic
- "Zürkh" Tincture
- "Zürkh" Tincture (+)
- Abattoir
- Abattoir Blood
- Abattoir Items
- Ace of Diamonds Caravan
- Achievements and Trophies
- Aglaya Lilich
- Aglaya Lilich/Spoken Dialogue
- Albino
- Alexander Block
- Alexander Block/Spoken Dialogue
- Alexander Saburov
- Alexander Saburov/Spoken Dialogue
- Alpha-Tablets
- Andrey Stamatin
- Andrey Stamatin's Blueprints
- Andrey Stamatin/Spoken Dialogue
- Anna Angel
- Anna Angel/Spoken Dialogue
- Antibiotics
- Antibiotics (The Marble Nest)
- Apple
- Army
- Army Boots
- Army Cloak
- Army Gloves
- Army Ration
- Ashen Swish
- Aspity
- Aspity's Hospice
- Aspity/Spoken Dialogue
- Baby
- Bachelor
- Bachelor/Spoken Dialogue
- Bad Grief
- Bad Grief's Gang
- Bad Grief's Nest
- Bad Grief/Spoken Dialogue
- Bandage
- Bandage Set
- Barley the Barber
- Beast Head
- Beetle
- Beta-Tablets
- Big Vlad
- Big Vlad/Spoken Dialogue
- Black Twyre
- Blood
- Blood Tests
- Blood Twyre
- Bloody Bandage
- Bone Horn
- Bone Necklace
- Bone Stake Lot
- Boots
- Bos Turokh
- Bound
- Bracelet
- Brain
- Bread
- Bride's Heart
- Broken Ampoule
- Broken Heart
- Broken Scissors
- Brown Rat
- Brown Twyre
- Bull's Blood
- Bull Bell
- Bull Blood
- Bull Enterprise
- Burakh's Key
- Burakh Phial
- Butcher's Heart
- Butchers
- Button
- Candle Stub
- Canned Food
- Capella
- Capella's Necklace
- Capella/Spoken Dialogue
- Capital
- Captain Longin
- Captain Ravel
- Cathedral
- Cathedral Key
- Cell Key
- Cemetery
- Chalk
- Changeling
- Changeling/Spoken Dialogue
- Characters
- Charm
- Chest Badge
- Chestnuts
- Children Caches
- Chisel
- Clara's Ring
- Cloak
- Cloth Gloves
- Cloth Mask
- Clothes
- Coffee
- Combustible Fluid
- Console Commands
- Corpse Blood
- Cothurni
- Cotton Wool
- Crowbar
- Crowstone
- Crucible
- Dead Gruel
- Dead Tissue
- Debug/Modding/Pathologic
- Delta-Tablets
- Dilapidated Shack
- Disposable Gloves
- Dogheads
- Dogs
- Dora Feugel
- Double Barrelled Pistol
- Dreams
- Dried Meat
- Drugs
- Earrings
- Earth Watchman's Report
- Easter eggs and references
- Egg
- Empty Bottle
- Endings
- Etorphine
- Eva Yan
- Eva Yan/Spoken Dialogue
- Executor
- Executor Cloak
- Executor Mask
- Farkhad
- Fellow Traveler
- Ferromycinium
- Feverish Feeling
- Fingernail
- Fish
- Fishing Hooks
- Flamethrower Fuel
- Flask
- Flower
- Focus
- Forceps
- Fresh Meat
- Game Mechanics
- Gamma-Tablets
- Gas Mask
- Gauze Mask
- Georgiy Kain
- Georgiy Kain/Spoken Dialogue
- Grace
- Grace/Spoken Dialogue
- Grindstone
- Grocery
- Gumstone
- Haruspex
- Haruspex's Lair
- Haruspex/Spoken Dialogue
- Hazelnuts
- Heart
- Herb Brides
- Herbs
- Home Key
- House of Death
- How to report the cloak
- Humbles
- Ice-Pick Lodge
- Ice-Pick Lodge Podcast
- Immunity Boosters
- Infection Map
- Inquisition
- Inquisitor's Orders
- Inquisitorial Coupon
- Isidor's Key
- Isidor Burakh
- Isidor Burakh's House
- Items
- Kashk
- Katerina Saburova
- Katerina Saburova/Spoken Dialogue
- Kerosene
- Key
- Key With No Lock
- Khan
- Khan/Spoken Dialogue
- Kidney
- Knife
- Knots Watchman's Report
- Lancet
- Lara Ravel
- Lara Ravel/Spoken Dialogue
- Layers
- Leash
- Leather Gloves
- Lemon
- Lens
- Letters to Nina
- Light Ammo
- Lika
- List
- Liver
- Living Blood
- Living Heart
- Lockpick
- Lump
- Marat Ranin
- Marbles
- Maria Kaina
- Maria Kaina/Spoken Dialogue
- Mark Immortell
- Mark Immortell/Spoken Dialogue
- Masks
- Master Key
- Match
- Menkhu's Finger
- Menkhu Knowledge
- Meradorm
- Metal Scrap
- Milk
- Mistresses
- Money
- Money (Item)
- Monomycinium
- Morphine
- Murky
- Murky's Toy
- Murky/Spoken Dialogue
- Nara
- Needle
- Neomycinium
- Nina Kaina
- Notes
- Notkin
- Notkin/Spoken Dialogue
- Novocaine
- Nutshell
- Oil Lamp
- Oil Lamp (Item)
- Other Items
- Overseer Tycheek
- Oyun
- Oyun/Spoken Dialogue
- Package
- Painkiller
- Panacea
- Pantomimes/Text
- Pass
- Pathologic
- Pathologic/Credits
- Pathologic: The Marble Nest
- Pathologic: The Marble Nest Minor Characters
- Pathologic 2
- Pathologic 2/Credits
- Pathologic 2 Minor Characters
- Pathologic Minor Characters
- Pathologic Tabletop
- Pathologic Wiki
- Pathologic Wiki/Section 1
- Pathologic Wiki/Section 2
- Pathologic Wiki/Section 3
- Pathologic Wiki/Section 4
- Pathologic Wiki/editcopy
- Pathologic Wiki/editcopy/Section 1
- Pathologic Wiki/editcopy/Section 2
- Pathologic Wiki/editcopy/Section 3
- Pathologic Wiki/editcopy/Section 4
- Peanuts
- Pemmican
- Peter Stamatin
- Peter Stamatin's Blueprints
- Peter Stamatin/Spoken Dialogue
- Pharmacy
- Plague
- Plague/Spoken Dialogue
- Plaguefinder
- Plot
- Plot: Pathologic 2
- Plot: The Marble Nest
- Pocket Watch
- Polyhedron
- Prosectorium Blood
- Protective Gloves
- Quest Items
- Ragi Barrow
- Raisins
- Rat
- Rat Prophet
- Rat Racing
- Rations
- Razors
- Repellent Ankle Boots
- Repellent Cape
- Repellent Cloak
- Repellent Jackboots
- Revolver
- Revolver Ammo
- Rifle
- Rifle Ammo
- Ring
- Ring of Suok
- Rod
- Rotten Food
- Rubin's Hideout
- Rusty Key
- Rusty Scalpel
- Safety Pin
- Scalpel
- Scrap Name
- Sewing Box
- Shekhen
- Shelter
- Shmowder
- Shoes
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Ammo
- Silent House Key
- Simon Kain
- Smoked Fish
- Smoked Meat
- Soap
- Soggy Sack
- Soul-and-a-Half Fortress
- Soul-and-a-Halves
- Spindle
- Spring
- Stairway to Heaven
- Stamatin's Loft
- Stanislav Rubin
- Stanislav Rubin's Apartment
- Stanislav Rubin/Spoken Dialogue
- Steppe Language
- Sticky
- Sticky's House