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Pathologic Wiki

Nina Kaina (Нина Каина)
Dark Mistress (Чёрная Хозяйка)
Sinister Nina (Злая Нина)
The Fearsome (Страшная)
Nina, the Wicked (Злая Нина)
Nina, the Wild (Дикая Нина)
Nina, the Nocturnal (Ночная Нина)
The Cape
The Town
Victor Kain (husband)
Maria Kaina (daughter)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (son)
Aglaya Lilich (sister)
Georgiy Kain (brother-in-law)
Simon Kain (brother-in-law)

Nina Kaina was the matriarch of the Kain family and ruler of the town. She was the Dark Mistress, and stood in opposition to Victoria Olgimskaya.


Along her steps, doors shut and children hid!
Katerina Saburova's reflection.

Nina Kaina was one of the three Mistresses of the Town. She was able to feel and see things that other could not as she possessed the gift of clairvoyance. Many outsiders regarded Nina's powers with scepticism but always eventually found themselves astonished by their truth. In contrast to the warmth of Victoria Olgimskaya Nina Kaina terrified the Town, bringing a layer of darkness to the lives of the Townsfolk. It is said that when she glanced at candles they would bow to her, regardless of wind. Some believed that she could literally breath life into objects that were otherwise inanimate. Though a mere mortal of six-foot-one Nina Kaina was seen as a towering giant.

Nina did not believe that the power of the Mistresses came from the Earth and rejected the notion.


Nina's memory hangs heavily over The Town, with many remembering both her name and her immense power. Some feel free without her reign of fear, but some feel as though with her death the Town has lost a bit of it's charm. Katerina Saburova once attempted to replicate her but, in her naivete, mistook her power for romantic darkness.

When the Sand Plague epidemic begins the Townsfolk look to the Mistresses of the past, claiming that were Nina Kaina still alive the plague would have never happened. This idea leads to the rejection of Katerina Saburova, as she is living and has not destroyed the disease with her gifts as they believed Nina would have.

Nina Kaina's power now resides within her daughter, Maria Kaina.

When hovered over on the map, Nina's Tomb states that "Nina Kaina the Wild has not found her resting place here. Even in death, she remains passionate and restless."


  • The family name Kain is a symbolic reference to the narcotic Novocaine. This is to denote that the Kains are always in a dreamlike state.[1]


  1. Explained by Nikolay Dybowski in a Russian interview.


Nina Kaina (Нина Каина)
Black Mistress (Черная Хозяйка)
32 (at death)(see Notes below)
The Cape
The Town
Victor Kain (husband)
Maria Kaina (daughter)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (son)
Aglaya Lilich (sister)
Georgiy Kain (brother-in-law)
Simon Kain (brother-in-law)
Ermine fur
Body Part

Nina Kaina was the matriarch of the Kain family and ruler of the town. She was the Scarlet or Nocturnal Mistress, and stood in opposition to Victoria Olgimskaya.


A radiantly beautiful woman with deep eyes the color of French plum. A dark chestnut with an intricate hairdo. She was very tall, and her waist was so thin that a man's hands could clasp it with his two hands.[1] Her features were noble and elegant, and her deportment was imperial.

She gave the impression of self-control and absolute sanity, yet committed insane acts. Easily bored and seemly capable of fulfilling any of her whims. When she was alive, she was feared; and after her death, she is thought of almost as a goddess. There is no clear evidence of her performing magic or of having "special" abilities, but she was considered a powerful witch and Mistress, emanating a special sort of energy and radiating the faith in the limitlessness of humanity's potential.

Nina Kaina died eleven years before the beginning of Pathologic.[2]


Nina was a bright, refined and devilish aristocrat from the Capital. Victor Kain became acquainted with her when he lived there at a young age and made connections in those circles. Eventually, Nina fell for Victor, and he brought her to the Steppe. Enjoying the freedom and power of the Kain family, and impressed by Georgiy and Simon, Nina harboured plans concerning the town and became ruler of the land.

As a Mistress

The whole time that Nina was the Mistress of the Kain family, she held the town in fear. Paradoxical, but that was the cause for the increase of love towards the Kains, that took place lately—compared to Nina, all the other members of the family looked extremely humanist. Nina broke and crippled dozens of lives, families broke up because of her, and houses were taken down on her command. Any who she didn’t think to be her equal weren’t worthy of taking into consideration at all—people for her were some kind of ants. When Nina was bored—and that was quite a frequent event—she behaved as if she were Dracula, simply went around the city looking for situations that could interest her and solved different things according to her understanding of justice. She could easily take a child from a stupid mother, give him to the Master of the Abattoir for him to make a steppe scout out of the child. She could enter a house and order its inhabitants to show her the most precious thing they had and if the people tried to conceal the real item, she would order for the liars to be dealt with. No matter how strange, but the people were quite patient about this. Nina was taken for a beautiful and awe-inspiring protector of the town, who had to be propitiated by means of bloody sacrifice. When Nina died, the inhabitants took a deep, easy breath, but continued to treat her as before, in fact, even with more piety, because now she obtained another quality that was added to what she already had—she was dead.[3][4][5]


When Nina Kaina ruled the town, the people, who weren't used to monarchy and even more so to pristine magic, watched with awe and fear how a demonic queen can rule. It seemed that a figure of a divine woman with a sweeping wave of dark hair is soaring in the sky, her exquisite features wrapped in clouds; she seemed to be a massive monument of an ancient sovereign. They said she was almighty. They said that at night, in her true form,—her head touching the sky, her figure slim and lithe as an ivy branch and as the lightning,—she walks around town, lightly moving her pale shoulders, and takes what is hers, but gives with godly generosity what otherwise mortal men could have under no circumstances.

That's what they used to say and that's what they say today. Now that it has been fifteen years since her death and her biography is history and legend, it is worth looking at Nina’s image and separate the truth from fiction.

First of all, the truth is that during the short period of her rule, Nina managed to shake both souls and minds of people who weren't at all inclined for reasonless exaltation. The truth was that she was indescribably beautiful—even the most captious judge would find her appearance both perfect and demonic. Imperious gestures of her delicate hands, milk-white skin, pitch-black eyes, majestic deportment and iniquitous forms of her bitten lips. The truth is that the people’s memory gave her such features that both refined tyrants and enlightened emperors would love to have.

However, the most interesting thing is that everyone called her a witch despite the fact that she never demonstrated some supernatural deed, not once. In fact, she actually didn't have any "special" abilities. She couldn't throw lightning, nor could she do any tricks, nor stop enemy legions by means of gesture, nor transform lead into gold. But what really was? The masses’ memory is the most sober historical source; it cannot be cheated or bribed by planned falsifications. What happened?

This woman emanated this special sort of energy—the energy that allowed her to create things that shouldn't be. Next to her seemed possible—and in fact were—such things that wouldn't be possible under any other circumstances. This energy was extremely strong within her. It was like a fiery column that stretched from her head to the sky, one could almost feel it. Being unable to make this image more vivid, the people invented a legend about a woman that was extremely tall, reaching the sky, and went about playing with the town as if she were a child playing with toy bricks. That is actually the image of the Mistress Nina on children's pictures of that time. Rapture, violent happiness and passion were the feeling that filled the space where she went. That was her witchery.

Her nature suited that of the Kain family. The Kains have this heritage of inclination for brave and dangerous experiments, impudence and absence of any desire to acknowledge any laws, no matter if they are the laws of physics or history; this virtue was the very environment that Nina was most comfortable with. Their manner of ruling by means of invisible power, regulating the directions of the people's mood, its uprises and storms, all this gave her great opportunities. Nina took the town in her warm hands, squeezed it into an obedient lump of clay, softened it and began shaping the realm of her dreams.

Meanwhile people loved her more and more! Her passion was, in fact, contagious; her strict eyes burned with furious mirth, which had no effect on her mimics or behavior. Nina was the kind of person that is so vividly seen in Maria now: one of coldness, absolute self-control and total sobriety, with the ability to perform foolhardy deeds.



  • Nina's actual age and the circumstances of her death are disputed, even within the game. Katerina Saburova says she died eleven years ago, while Nina's corpus says she died fifteen years before — however, the Polyhedron is only ten years old, and she supposedly invited the brothers Stamatin to create it.
    • Furthermore, her age at death is impossible, if her daughter is 26 and her son is 10.
    • This inconsistency is likely due to planning errors during Pathologic's development.
  • The family name Kain is a symbolic reference to the narcotic Novocaine. This is to denote that the Kains are always in a dreamlike state.[6]


  1. As quoted by Victor on Day 10 of The Bachelor's Route.
  2. "It turned out then that Nina was harbouring plans concerning this place... And the Kains' elders, Georgiy and Simon, had certainly impressed her... To put it briefly, Nina became the ruler of this land. I was only—what?—fifteen at the time... Yes, Nina died eleven years ago."
  3. Corpus: Nina
  4. Corpus: Nina
  5. Концепты: Персонажи
  6. Explained by Nikolay Dybowski in a Russian interview.
