Pathologic Wiki

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Pathologic Wiki

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Repellant Cloak
Torso Protection
Item ID

Repellent Cloak is a clothing item found in Pathologic 2 that can be worn in the Torso equipment slot. As of Day 4, it can be bought from Tailors and occasionally looted from houses.

A Repellent Cloak is needed for the second and third workshop upgrades made to the Haruspex's inventory in his Lair.

At full durability Repellent Cloak provides:

  • 15% fist resistance
  • 20% blade resistance
  • 17% bullet resistance
  • 25% fire resistance
  • 15% infected air resistance
  • 85% contact with diseased people resistance
Price Progression
Day 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Buying ¤1520 ¤1600 ¤1679 ¤1760 ¤1840 ¤1920
Selling* ¤800 ¤1200 ¤1200 ¤800 ¤400 ¤1200

* Value at full durability

Repellent Cloak Repair Values
Durability SafetyPin
Safety Pin
>70% 1
>35% 1 1
>0% 1 1 1


Hover Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile BachelorProfile NPC Haruspex
It's not pretty, but it does its job, repelling infection. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Item is not present in the Alpha.
Main Game:
It's just a piece of canvas, so it can either be worn or used for sewing. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Item is not present in the Alpha.

Touch Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile BachelorProfile NPC Haruspex
Of all the things people can argue about, "canvas vs leather" used to be a very prevalent subject of discussion when I was a kid. Leather items are sturdier, but harder to mend. Father used to have a good supply of both. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Item is not present in the Alpha.
Main Game:
It's not pretty, but it protects against infection during contact. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Item is not present in the Alpha.


  • Repellent Cloaks take up 3x3 inventory slots. They do not stack.
  • Unlike all other clothing items, Repellant Cloaks do not reduce in value on Day 7, and continue to steadily rise in price.

Ui nakidka repellent b
Repellent Cloak
Torso Protection
Item ID

A long cloak made of synthetic material that serves as a good repellent. Protects the torso, wrists and neck from accidental contact with dangerous surfaces. The material is somewhat flame-proof, protecting the torso from burns.
Hover text

Repellent Cloak is a clothing item found in Pathologic that can be worn to protect the player's torso. Repellent Cloaks can be bought at clothing stores.

At full durability Repellent Cloaks provide 15% physical resistance and 20% infection resistance.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12
1500 8000 4000 4000 6000 6999 5000 5000 6000 6499 10000 7500


  • The description's claim that the cloak protects from burns is incorrect, as it provides no fire resistance. It is unknown why this descriptive error exists.
