This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel. |
This page is a summary of the actions taken by the Changeling in her route. It assumes that all quests are completed successfully; however, quests do not necessarily need to be completed in the order presented here.
As this page is essentially walkthrough of the Changeling Route, there will be heavy spoilers throughout.
Special Mechanics
The Changeling has a few special mechanics that are different from the other healers.
- The Changeling's POV camera is closer to the ground.
- The Changeling's unarmed attack is slower.
- The only weapons the Changeling can equip are Scalpels and Double Barrelled Pistols. All other weapons are placed in the "Other" category of her inventory, and cannot be used.
- Lockpicks can stack in the Changeling's inventory up to 10.
- The Changeling can cure infected townsfolk by using her unarmed attack on them, which grants Reputation at the cost of Health. Note that this process is very slow, and the infected townsfolk will infect her unless she steps away. (This will not affect the result of the ritual; once initiated, it will complete regardless of the distance between the Changeling and the target.)
- However, she cannot heal sick or dying townsfolk in this way, and attempting to do so will injure or kill the target, respectively, causing Reputation to drop. The latter also results in a special attack animation where the Changeling moves as if cradling their head before snapping their neck.
- The Changeling's Reputation constantly decreases at a rate of -2.8%/hour whenever she is not sleeping.
Additionally, the Changeling can participate in rat races and pick Herbs as the Haruspex can, though she cannot mix herbs into Twyrine Extracts.
Note that despite the Changeling claiming in dialogue that she is immune to the Plague, she is just as susceptible to infection as the other Healers.
Day 1
The Changeling begins with 33% Reputation, 50% Hunger, 50% Exhaustion, and 100% Immunity. The immunity is purely for flavor, as it will naturally drop to the standard 50% long before the Changeling encounters any source of infection.
Unlike other healers, the Changeling does not start with any money. The Changeling starts with the following items in her inventory:
- 2 Lockpicks
- Drapery (100% durability)
- Tourniquet
- Morphine
- Milk
- Fresh Meat
- 3 Fishing Hooks, 2 Needles, and 2 Flowers
- 30 Kerosene
Additionally, Nina's grave contains 3 Bread instead of 1 Bread and 1 Milk as in other routes on this day.
The Changeling wakes up in a shallow grave in the Cemetery. There is an Executor and a Tragedian standing at the doorway of Grace's Lodge who she may speak to to learn about the game mechanics.
When the Changeling enters the lodge, she meets Grace and Katerina Saburova.
Main Quest: "The Harbinger"
Grace tells the Changeling that they already spoke last night and said she was going to visit "Grandfather", but the Changeling has no memory of this. Katerina has had a prophetic vision that a set of twins will come to the Town, one good and one evil, and believes the Changeling to be the good one. After speaking to Grace and Katerina, the Changeling will be directed to speak to Alexander Saburov. It seems the Changeling is being accused of being a thief and to clear her name, Saburov tells her to meet someone by the Train Station, who is to witness her perform a healing miracle.
At the Train Station there are two muggers standing near the carriages who the Changeling can kill for some reputation. Behind the rocks nearby she will find the man Saburov told her about hiding from the muggers. She will speak to him and find a Doghead nearby who she must try to cure to prove herself.
The Changeling talks to the Doghead, Lika, and learns he was attacked by the Haruspex (a reference to the Haruspex quest "The Filthy Little Toad and the Waifs"). If questioned further, Lika will reveal that he stole a Shmowder from a member of the Soul-and-a-Halves who was keeping the shmowder in case his sister got infected. Lika was caught during the theft and killed the boy, and now plans to give the shmowder to the Dogheads. The Changeling can express disgust at Lika's actions and leave, or she can attempt to heal him; if she attempts to heal him, her hands kill him instead. (His body can be looted for 1 Lockpick.) Saburov's witness believes this proves the Changeling to be a harbinger and a saint who can judge the guilty as well as heal the innocent. However, she still needs to cure someone for Saburov. The man tells her there may be an injured man at Grace's lodge, a survivor from the group who attacked the Haruspex last night.
When she returns to Grace, the Changeling learns that the injured man had been taken away by the Haruspex. The Haruspex can be found in the Haruspex's Lair, an abandoned factory building in the Works, just south of the train tracks. However, the Changeling finds only the Haruspex there and no injured man. The Haruspex tells her the man escaped and crawled away up the river. The Changeling will finally find him at the Willows. There, she can speak to Anna Angel and the Bachelor.
The Changeling heals the man in front of the gathered townsfolk, Anna, and the Bachelor, gaining 25% Reputation. She talks to the Bachelor again, who agrees to testify to her miraculous healing powers, before returning to Saburov. He now believes that she is a true saint, and she will receive a further +10% Reputation. Saburov and Katerina offer to take her in as an adopted daughter.
Due to a coding oversight, the injured man will appear in Anna's house as soon as this quest is received, and he can be healed and the quest completed without needing to complete the previous steps.
If the Changeling possesses a weapon, she can kill the injured man for a severe reputation penalty. This will soft-lock the quest, as it cannot be completed without healing the injured man.
Side Quest: "For Those With the Freedom of Choice"
After healing the injured man, the Changeling can talk to Anna again. Anna is hysterically afraid of the Haruspex, claiming that he killed a boy by the Warehouses and fears he will come for her next. The Changeling heads to the Soul-and-a-Half Fortress and speaks to Notkin, whom she questions about the Haruspex. He confirms that the Haruspex accepted a request to kill a boy who betrayed their gang, but Notkin regrets his hotheaded decision now that he has had time to reflect. The Changeling may connect the dots that this boy was Lika and confess to killing him, but Notkin will not react to this. Returning to Anna will complete the quest.
- 1500 Coins from Anna
- Empty Double Barrelled Pistol (100% durability) if the Changeling asks "He didn't need it himself?" when Notkin mentions that the Haruspex left a gun behind.
Side Quest: "The Hooks (Truth Revealing Itself)"
After completing the main quest, Saburov will ask the Changeling to question Georgiy using her powers. In order to do so, she requires a person's real name and a secret about them. To gain the necessary information, the Changeling speaks to Katerina. Katerina will give the Changeling her list of Bound and also reveal that Georgiy does not actually love his brother, nor were they actually twins.
The Changeling then speaks to Georgiy, who will not speak to her until after she talks to Maria Kaina. After speaking to Maria, the Changeling returns to Georgiy and is able to question him using the phrase "Georgiy, oh Georgiy, I know you this..." Georgiy reveals that he is certain Simon was murdered, as he cannot believe Simon could die through natural means, but he is not certain of the murderer's identity. She then returns to Saburov.
If the Changeling uses the wrong phrase, Georgiy will not be hypnotized and the quest will be failed.
- +10 Reputation
Day 2
For the next several days starting from Day 2, the Changeling will receive quests each day from Alexander Saburov and Katerina Saburova. If she does not speak with them before the afternoon, she will receive a letter from Saburov asking her to see them.
Main Quest: "Spirit of the Restless Kin"
Saburov is beginning his search for who or what caused the Plague. He asks the Changeling to start by investigating Aspity. To learn more about Aspity, the Changeling speaks to Vlad the Younger and Big Vlad. If the Changeling is careful about her speech, she may be able to receive a random amount of money between 2000 and 3000 from Big Vlad.
The Changeling then talks to Aspity who refuses to speak until the Changeling can bring her the Haruspex. He will be at his lair in the Works. The Changeling returns to Aspity and uses what she learned to hypnotize Aspity. She learns that although Aspity is not responsible for the Plague, she has done other evil things.
The Changeling then returns to Saburov to tell him what she learned. She can either choose to hand over Aspity, which boosts her reputation but leads to Aspity getting infected, or she can tell Saburov that Aspity is innocent, at a cost to her reputation.
- -10 Reputation if Changeling rules Aspity not guilty
- +10 Reputation and Aspity is infected if Changeling rules Aspity guilty
Side Quest: "Grace"
Katerina wants the Changeling to help her convince Grace to change from the Termites - the faction belonging to the Haruspex - to the Humbles - the faction belonging to the Changeling. She directs the Changeling to speak to Lara Ravel who knows how to gain Grace's trust. The Changeling should bring a loaf of Bread, a Flower, and a bottle of Milk to the Cemetery.
After talking with Grace, the Changeling returns to Katerina. She may tell Katerina that Grace has changed factions to gain reputation or say that she failed and lose reputation. Either option may be chosen regardless of the actual outcome of the conversation with Grace.
- -10 Reputation if Changeling reports failure
- +10 Reputation if Changeling reports success
Side Quest: "The Curative Substances"
While talking to Vlad Jr. about Aspity, the Changeling may learn that Anna Angel has a rather large stockpile of medicine which is now needed for the Town. The Changeling heads to the Willows and can choose to take the medicine from Anna right away and bring it back to Vlad Jr. or she can choose to first hear what Anna has to say. Anna will tell her the rumours that the Haruspex is capable of mixing herbs to make medicine with similar antibiotic properties.
To learn more, the Changeling heads to the gathering huts out in the Steppe and talks to the Worms there. Only the one at the hut closest to the Cemetery will offer her information and tells her to talk to Andrey Stamatin at his pub. He confirms the efficacy of the Haruspex's brews. The Changeling can then return to Anna and get the medicine from her: 5 Alpha-Tablets and 5 Beta-Tablets.
When talking to Vlad Jr., the Changeling has several options, each of which will give her different rewards.
If she tells Vlad Jr. about the Haruspex:
- 1000 Coins
- +10 Reputation
If she says that the Haruspex can't make good medicine:
- 100 Coins
If she hands over the medicine from Anna:
- 500 Coins
- Possibly due to a coding oversight, the Changeling will keep 1 each of the tablets.
If she tells Vlad Jr. that she's keeping the medicine:
- -5 Reputation
Side Quest: "The Living"
When talking to Lara, she will ask the Changeling for help in finding her friend, the Harpist. Lara will show the Changeling where he is. The Changeling will need a Lockpick to enter the house and finds it infected. She quickly finds the Harpist upstairs and talks to him. On her way out, she will run into the Bachelor who is surprised to see her, as he had apparently just seen her at Anna's house. The Changeling returns to Lara to complete the quest.
- 2000 Coins or +5 Reputation if refused
Day 3
Unrelated to any quest, Maria Kaina has unique dialogue on this day. If the Changeling goads her, she will receive a small Reputation boost.How much?
Main Quest: "Seeds of the Caravan"
Today, Alexander Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate Anna Angel. She will tell the Changeling that she has received threatening letters and believes Big Vlad to be responsible. She advises the Changeling speak to his children. (Despite the Changeling claiming in dialogue that Big Vlad has barred his door to her, she can enter his house and speak with him without issue, though he will have no special dialogue.) Both will attest that the Olgimiskys have not threatened Anna, and suggest that the threats are the result of her past with the Aces of Diamonds Caravan. Additionally, Capella believes that Khan is the sender based on the signature on the letter.
The Changeling returns to Anna to report what she has learned, and can then hypnotize Anna to question her. Anna reveals that she used to be ugly and mute, and willingly joined the Caravan as a child because she believed they would make her a singer. However, despite their rituals, she did not transform. When the Caravan was attacked at Orv, she fled with Var. A few years prior, around the time of the first outbreak, she grew frustrated with her ugliness and used an arcane ritual to swap bodies with Willow Mellow; this is her sin, which she believes the Plague has come to punish. The Changeling returns to Saburov to deliver her judgment.
- -10 Reputation if Changeling rules Anna not guilty
- +10 Reputation and Anna is infected if Changeling rules Anna guilty
Side Quest: "Eva"
Today, Katerina Saburova will ask the Changeling to convert Eva Yan from being the Utopians to the Humbles. She suggests that the Changeling first speak with Yulia Lyuricheva to learn more about Eva.
When speaking to Yulia, the Changeling can tell Yulia that her calculations are wrong and gain 30 Reputation, but the quest will end there and she will be unable to speak to Eva. If the Changeling agrees with Yulia, she will gain the necessary hook for Eva: That she loves the Bachelor and will die for him. She then speaks to Eva and can convince her to become a Humble.
The Changeling returns to Katerina to report her success or failure. Either option may be chosen regardless of the actual outcome of the conversation with Eva.
- -10 Reputation if Changeling reports failure
- 1000 Coins and +10 Reputation if Changeling reports success
Side Quest: "Who Will Injure the Bachelor?"
While talking to Anna, the Changeling may ask her to find out what the Bachelor and Stanislav Rubin are doing. Anna senses that Simon Kain is still alive, and believes the two -- possibly even Simon himself -- are conspiring something to do with his body. To find out where they are, she talks to Eva at the Stillwater. If she threatens Eva, Eva will refuse to talk to her and the quest will be failed. To succeed, she must tell Eva either that she wants to give the Bachelor some medicine or that Anna is going to reveal his location to the Haruspex and he must be warned. Eva will then tell the Changeling that he is likely in the warehouses with Rubin at Rubin's Prosectorium.
The Bachelor will not be there, but the Changeling can talk to Rubin. He will ask her not to reveal his location to the Kains and offers her vaccines, which the Changeling can refuse. Though the quest will then be marked complete, the Changeling can additionally speak to the Kains and sell Rubin out. However, only Victor Kain will hear her out and give her a reward.
- 2 Black Vaccines from Rubin (unless refused)
- 2000 Coins from Victor or +5 Reputation if refused
Additional outcomes:
- -10 Reputation if Maria spoken to
- -30 Reputation if Georgiy spoken to, or -50 Reputation if the Changeling acts like his spells work on her
Side Quest: "Who Will Sting the Haruspex?"
While talking to Capella, she may tell the Changeling that she sent the Bachelor to investigate the Shmowders, but he has not reported back (a reference to the Bachelor quest "Off to Battle Went the Boy"). Capella will mark a house where the Changeling may be able to find the Bachelor. When she talks to the Bachelor, he tells her that he is looking for the Haruspex as well.
Loafer will be in the same location he was in the Bachelor's route, across the yard and in an alcove formed by two connected houses. The Changeling can talk to him and receive the Shmowder from him, but unlike in the corresponding Bachelor quest she will not be infected.
The Haruspex will be in the house opposite from where Loafer was standing. He asks the Changeling to keep his location a secret and offers her Twyrine Extracts The Changeling may return to the Bachelor and tell him the Haruspex's location in exchange for a reward, or tell him she couldn't find him to end the quest.
The Changeling can now tell Capella that she has located the Bachelor. If she lies and says the Bachelor tested the medicine she will receive a reputation boost, but if she tells the truth and says that he is hunting for the Haruspex, she will receive nothing.
- Shmowder from Loafer
- 2 Twyrine Extract (+40%/-1% & +20%/-8%) from the Haruspex
- 2000 Coins and 1 Neomycinium from the Bachelor if informed of Haruspex's location
- +5 Reputation from Capella if the Changeling reports the Bachelor is testing the medicine, or +2 Reputation if she says she doesn't know
Day 4
Main Quest: "Robbers and Cutthroats"
Today, Alexander Saburov fingers Bad Grief as a potential source of the Plague, based on rumours that he has been throwing infected bodies into the river. Grief will say that he had nothing to do with it and that Notkin can vouch for him. Although Notkin will vouch for Grief, he reveals that Grief is involved in an illicit twyrine trade and that there is apparently something he has been hiding. He will also provide Grief's true name: Grigory Filin.
The Changeling returns to Grief and tries to hypnotize him by asserting that he knew about the Plague beforehand and stocked up on twyrine to profit from it. However, this fails, which Grief attributes to a warding talisman he wars. Grief says that he will answer her questions honestly if she does a favour for him: Steal a sack from Barley the Barber, who he claims is the one actually responsible.
Several muggers are present around the empty warehouse where Barley is hiding, and they will attack the Changeling if they notice her. She can sneak around them or kill them. The warehouse itself is guarded by a mugger who cannot be avoided, but he is not aggressive and can be spoken to. He consents to the Changeling laying hands upon him, which will kill him instantly.
Inside the warehouse, the Changeling finds Barley. After talking to him, she tricks him by saying there's something around the corner. He goes to check and realizes she lied to him and becomes aggressive. The Changeling can try to kill him, but some rats will also appear, so she should grab the bag and quickly escape from the warehouse.
The Changeling gives the bag to Saburov to discover it contains Sergeant Wolf's head. She then returns to Grief, who answers her questions as promised, though he asks her not to bother with her spell. If the Changeling does as he asks, his answers are evasive and the quest will be marked failed. If the Changeling does hypnotize him, this time by asserting he was the real killer, it will work and he will give her straight answers: He was indeed the true mastermind behind the killings, and used Barley as a scapegoat. However, the mastermind behind the illicit twyrine trade isn't him, but Big Vlad; his children know nothing about it. Finally, he begs the Changeling to spare him, saying that he'll be useful to her in the coming days. The Changeling returns to Saburov to deliver her judgment.
- -10 Reputation if Changeling rules Grief not guilty
- +10 Reputation and Grief is infected if Changeling rules Grief guilty
Side Quest: "The Puppeteer"
Katerina Saburova wants the Changeling to talk to Mark Immortell and tell him to stop the Theatre from being turned into a hospital (a reference to the Bachelor quest "Sanitary Measures"). When she gets to the Theatre, the Changeling learns that he is not there and the door has been locked. There will be Executors standing by the door. They will tell her that Mark has gone to see Maria Kaina. The Changeling may choose to give them money to help care for the sick.
- -500 Coins for +10 Reputation if money given to the Executors
Maria and Mark will be found inside Maria's house at the Crucible. The Changeling does not have to talk to Maria before speaking with Mark, but should she choose to do so, she has to be careful about what she says.
- If she tells Maria that she got the wrong door: -10 Reputation
- If she tells Maria that she hates her: -30 Reputation
- If she tells Maria that she is not a saint: +10 Reputation
- However, speaking rudely after that will punish her with -30 Reputation
The Changeling talks to Mark, who tells her that Katerina considers the Theatre important because of the creature that lives there, a spirit who whispers prophecies to her. The Changeling returns to the Theatre and enters to find the Rat Prophet standing on the stage. After talking to the Rat Prophet, she returns to Katerina.
- +5 Reputation if Changeling does not tell Katerina about the Rat Prophet
- +10 Reputation if Changeling does tell Katerina about the Rat Prophet
Side Quest: "The Raid"
The Changeling will receive a letter from Lara Ravel at 10:00 who tells her that the Haruspex is being hunted and asks for her help. She talks to Saburov, who will ask for her help in arresting the Haruspex.
The Haruspex will be found on the ground floor of a house in the infected district, the Works. The house is just to the right of the quest marker on her map. Once she has found him, the Changeling can either warn him of Saburov's trap to fulfill Lara's request, or lure him into the trap to fulfill Saburov's request.
- Etorphine and 2 Smoked Meat from Lara if Haruspex warned
- 500 Coins and +10 Reputation from Saburov if Haruspex deceived
The Haruspex's location
Day 5
Starting from Day 5 until the end of the game, the Changeling can participate in Rat Races.
Main Quest: "Rubin's Communion"
Today, Alexander Saburov wants the Changeling to investigate if Stanislav Rubin is responsible for the outbreak of the Plague. To start looking for him, the Changeling visits Vlad the Younger, who asks her not to give up Rubin to the Kains. He tells her that Rubin can be found in the warehouses, at Rubin's Prosectorium, and that she should bring him 3 bottles of Twyrine and 3 pieces of Fresh Meat. (3 bottles of Twyrine are available for purchase at the Broken Hearts Pub, while 5 more can be obtained in the side quest "The Twins"; the extra bottles can be exchanged with guardsmen for Fresh Meat.)
Rubin tells the Changeling that he has been using Simon Kain's blood to make Vaccines and says he will only tell her more if she can convince Georgiy Kain to forgive him. She finds Georgiy at the Crucible and he agrees to forgive Rubin, regardless of if the Changeling claims he is guilty or innocent. Returning to Rubin, he tells her that he cannot return Simon's body to the Kains and gives some information about the Shabnak-Adyr supposedly wandering the Town.
The Changeling talks to Saburov about what she learned. This time, he will decide to leave Rubin alone no matter what the Changeling says.
- +10 Reputation
Side Quest: "The Twins"
Today, Katerina Saburova wants the Changeling to convince the Stamatin brothers - Peter Stamatin and Andrey Stamatin - to join the Humbles. The Changeling first visits Peter who will listen to what she says, but refuses to make a decision without his brother.
At Andrey Stamatin's Pub, instead of Andrey, the Changeling will find another man who says that Andrey is in hiding due to various arrests ordered by Saburov. She asks Saburov to leave Andrey alone for a while and Andrey appears back at his pub. The Changeling will not be able to convince Andrey to change to the Humbles and he will become angry, no matter what she says. She returns to Peter and can attempt to lie to him or be honest about what Andrey said; either way, he won't join the Humbles either. If she lies to him, Peter won't take the faith seriously anyway. If she's honest, he will give her Twyrine.
The Changeling returns to Katerina with the news. Katerina becomes angry at the Changeling's failure.
- 5 Twyrine from Peter if you are honest with him
- -2 Reputation upon reporting to Katerina
Side Quest: "The Cathedral"
The Changeling receives a letter from Capella at 17:30. Capella wants the Changeling to find out if everything is alright in the Cathedral, as she had a vision of something terrible happening, and asks her to also speak with Maria Kaina. Maria says she also had a vision about the Cathedral and directs the Changeling to speak to the Bachelor. If the Changeling says she's scared to meet him, Maria will give her money.
The Bachelor will be found inside of the Stillwater. He can't let her into the Cathedral, as he doesn't have the key, and isn't allowed to visit the building himself anyway. She talks to the guards outside of the Cathedral to find out if she can slip in. They will ask for 20 bottles of water. After giving them the water, she can enter the Cathedral. She discovers that everyone inside the Cathedral is healthy.
The Changeling returns to Capella. Her reward depends on what she tells Capella.
- 4000 Coins from Maria if you tell her you are afraid of the Bachelor
- If you tell Capella Maria was evil: 4000 Coins
- If you ask Capella to help your reputation: +10 Reputation
- If you tell Capella Maria wasn't bad: 5000 Coins and +2 Reputation
Side Quest: "Best Friend"
The Changeling receives a letter from Grace at 15:00. She talks to Grace, who tells her that the Changeling's "best friend" will be waiting for her at the Ragi Barrow at 21:00.
When approaching the Ragi Barrow, the Changeling encounters four looters. They are hostile and will attack her. If killed, each of them will drop several pieces of jewelry (rings, bangles, or earrings).
At 21:00, the Albino will appear at the base of the hill and make his way up to the top of Ragi Barrow, stopping at the sacrificial slab. The Changeling can talk with him and learn a lot about herself and where she came from. He will also warn her to stock up on supplies, as tomorrow everyone will turn against her.
There are no material rewards aside from the jewelry that can be looted from the looters.
Day 6
Starting from Day 6 until the end of the game, the Changeling will have a side quest to find her twin sister as well as her sister's followers. The Changeling will receive letters from her sister every day if she sleeps for at least four hours cumulatively on said day.
If the Changeling does not force her sister to leave, the district that her sister was hiding in will become permanently infected. After the Changeling forces her sister to leave, a group of her sister's followers will appear somewhere in the Town. If the Changeling cannot force her sister's followers to disperse, the district that they were gathering in will become permanently infected.
When she wakes up, the Changeling notices her reputation is dropping twice as quickly as usual. (She will lose 100 reputation in 18 hours, rather than the usual 100 reputation in 36 hours).
Side Quest: "Charon"
Katerina Saburova wants the Changeling to convince Vlad the Younger to change to the Humbles. To learn more about Vlad Jr., the Changeling speaks to Capella. Capella asks the Changeling to give Vlad Jr. a book of fairy tales. When she brings him the book, he will refuse to accept it as he wants to sacrifice himself for what happened to the Termitary.
The Changeling returns to Katerina and tells her what happened. Katerina says that results don't matter anymore, as the Inquisitor will arrive in Town tomorrow. If the Changeling returns to Katerina after speaking with Yulia in the "Angel of Death" quest, Katerina will be hostile and the quest will be failed.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling will receive this quest after obtaining her sister's letter for this day. The letter states that her sister can see an alarm bell from her window; this refers to the bell in the Cathedral's courtyard. The Changeling will find her sister on the second floor of the third house in the row of houses that to the left of the Cathedral. It is the house next to the garden entrance. The Changeling talks to her and chases her away.
Her sister's followers will appear in a small yard behind a food shop located directly across from the empty fenced area next to the Termitary. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for; if she does, an infected rat will spawn and begin attacking her.
Side Quest: "Sister"
The Changeling will receive a letter from the Albino who apparently has to escape from the Town. She talks to Grace about it and Grace warns her that there are people who wish to harm him. On her way to Ragi Barrow, the Changeling will find several arsonists. The arsonists have standard loot (money and Combustible Fluid).
At 21:00, the Albino will appear behind Ragi Barrow, rather than on the hill, close to the fence. The Changeling can talk to him to learn a little more about her origins, and says goodbye.
There are no material rewards for this quest aside from what can be looted from the arsonists.
Main Quest: "Angel of Death"
Today, Alexander Saburov wants the Changeling to find who is responsible for the Plague as well as the death of people in the Cathedral. He suspects Yulia Lyuricheva. After talking to Saburov, the Changeling discovers that her reputation is falling three times faster. (She will now lose 100 reputation within 6 hours).
The Changeling can talk to Eva Yan, who knows quite a lot about Yulia. If the Changeling talks to Eva, all of her items except for weapons and drugs may be taken away, but they will be returned to her later by the Bachelor. Yulia will easily tell the Changeling anything she wants to know regardless of whether or not the Changeling asks for Eva's help.
Yulia says that just yesterday, she gave the Changeling the three items that were found in the Cathedral. However, both the player and the Changeling will recall that they did not receive anything from Yulia the day before. After talking to Yulia, the Changeling's reputation will fall even more drastically, at four times faster than it was already. (She will now lose 100 reputation within 1.5 hours).
The Changeling needs to find the Bachelor as quickly as possible. He will examine her blood and prove her innocence. During this day, he will be in various parts of town examining the blood of other women who are under suspicion.
- From the morning until 14:00, the Bachelor will be at the Willows.
- From 14:00 to 16:00, the Bachelor will be at the Shelter.
- From 16:00 to 18:00, the Bachelor will be at Aspity's Hospice.
- After 18:00, the Bachelor will be at the Stillwater.
After speaking with the Bachelor, he will take her back to the Stillwater and let her stay on the second floor. He will return any items that were taken from her by Eva earlier in the day. Although the Bachelor knows she is innocent, he wants to keep an eye on her and the front door will be locked.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers
Day 7
Starting from Day 7 until the end of the game, the Changeling can report that she has cleansed districts to the Inquisitor at the Cathedral. Today, the Inquisitor will give her 2000 to 3000 money for her report.
Main Quest: "Vengeance"
In the morning, the Changeling needs to speak to the Inquisitor, but is still locked in. She talks to the Bachelor who gives her 1000 money and lets her leave the Stillwater. At the Cathedral, the Changeling talks to the Executors standing at the door and learns the Inquisitor will not be back until 12:00. In order to enter, the Changeling will also need to find an Executor's Cloak and a Talon Mask. She can take them from a corpse found outside of the pit of bodies near the Cemetery.
After receiving her directives from the Inquisitor, the Changeling goes to speak with Alexander Saburov. He wants to know why the Bachelor and the Inquisitor are in Town.
The Changeling will find the Bachelor inside of the Theatre. If she gives him the mask, he will tell her about the Inquisitor and The Powers That Be. He also recommends that she ask the Haruspex for more information about the Inquisitor. The Changeling will find the Haruspex in the Short Block of the Termitary and gives him the cloak in exchange for learning about the Inquisitor.
She returns to Saburov and tells him what she learned. He then asks her to speak to Katerina Saburova. The Changeling is then directed to Maria Kaina and Capella to learn more about Mistresses. She returns to Katerina and then heads to the Cathedral.
The Changeling will find the Inquisitor, Aglaya Lilich, inside and speaks to her. If the Changeling says that the Saburovs are guilty, they will both become infected and she will lose 50 reputation. If she says that the Saburovs are not guilty, she will gain 50 reputation.
Side Quest: "The Haruspex Will Sow a Seed of Malice"
While talking to the Bachelor, the Changeling will learn that the Haruspex has killed a Herb Bride and her husband, a Worm, wants revenge on him and asked the Bachelor for help. The Bachelor gives the Changeling a Shotgun to deliver to the Worm, who is located at the western-most gathering hut out in the Steppe, south of the Stone Yard.
The Worm will give her 10 stems of White Whip. She then returns to the Bachelor who will give her 5000 money or she can refuse the money for 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "The Bachelor Will Sow a Seed of Malice"
While talking to the Haruspex, the Changeling learns a family had been hurt by the Bachelor's actions. The Haruspex will give her five bottles of Twyrine to give to the family. She will find them at the Haruspex's Lair in the Works.
She can choose to keep the Twyrine for herself and tell them about the Haruspex's true nature and lose 5 reputation. If she gives them the Twyrine, she can return to the Haruspex and receive 2000 money, but if she says to him that she's an evil spirit, he will give her nothing.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling's sister will be found in the Spleen district, inside of the house just west of Vlad Jr.'s house. The building will have two entrances and the Changeling should enter the eastern entrance. Her sister will be in a room on the second floor. After chasing her sister away, the Changeling must look for her sister's followers.
The Changeling will find the followers in the Hindquarters district. They will be in a round yard just southeast of the Willows, behind the medicine shop. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers
Day 8
Starting from Day 8, the Changeling can choose to not chase away her sister, and instead hand her over to the Bachelor or the Haruspex. However, doing so will cause her to lose 30 reputation and the district that her sister was hiding in will become permanently infected.
If the Changeling tells the Bachelor where her sister is, he will give her 4000 to 5000 money. If the Changeling tells the Haruspex where her sister is, he will give her a bottle of Panacea.
Today, the Changeling can tell the Inquisitor that she cleansed the Spleen district yesterday and receive 2000 to 3000 money as well as five Beta-Tablets. If the Changeling says that it's undoubtfully her power that caused the district to be healed, she will receive 30 reputation.
Main Quest: "The Town; its Entrails"
The Inquisitor wants to test the Changeling's abilities and tells her to start with the Abattoir. To enter the Abattoir, the Changeling needs to get permission from Taya Tycheek. She finds Taya's room in the Long Block of the Termitary. Taya will only let the Changeling into the Abattoir if she tells Taya a story, but only if it's a good story that she's never heard before.
The Changeling knows the Sticky is a good storyteller and goes to look for him. She then returns to Taya after speaking to Sticky and tells Taya the story. The Changeling can now enter the Abattoir, where she finds Foreman Oyun. Oyun tells her that he's interested in Artemy Burakh - the Haruspex - and wants to know what Aspity's opinion of Burakh is.
The Changeling asks Aspity if the Haruspex really is who he claims to be and then tells Oyun what she learned from Aspity. She then returns to the Inquisitor and tells her what happened.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Bachelor"
Maria Kaina will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Bachelor. The Bachelor will be found in the house just east of the Town Hall. There will be a patrolman and two young men guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Haruspex is, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 3000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Bachelor that he is in danger, she will receive 5 reputation. Upon telling Maria that the Bachelor is safe, Maria will give her 2000 to 3000 money and Feromycinum.
If the Changeling tells the Bachelor to stay put and finds the Haruspex, she can tell the Haruspex where the Bachelor is hiding. The Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Haruspex"
The Inquisitor will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Haruspex. The Haruspex will be found in the second house to the right of Sticky's home. There will be two Worms and a Butcher guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Bachelor is and tells the Haruspex where to find him, the Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Haruspex, she will gain 5 reputation. Upon telling the Inquisitor that the Haruspex is safe, she will receive 1000 money, Monomycinium, and another 5 reputation. If the Changeling refuses rewards, she will only receive the reputation.
If the Changeling tells the Haruspex to stay put and finds the Bachelor, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 3000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling's sister will be found in the southern-most house of the three houses lined up across from the Ring of Suok. Her sister will be in a room on the ground floor. After finding her sister, the Changeling must look for her sister's followers.
The Changeling will find the followers in the Flank district. They will be in the western yard of the Shelter. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers, the Bachelor, and the Haruspex
Day 9
Today, the Changeling can tell the Inquisitor that she cleansed the Crude Sprawl yesterday to receive 3000 to 4000 money, five Beta-Tablets, one Gamma-Tablet, and 30 reputation.
Main Quest: "The Town; its Head"
The Inquisitor requests the Changeling to investigate the Polyhedron. She suggests speaking to Georgiy Kain first. Georgiy is willing to talk to the Changeling, but wants her to find Stanislav Rubin and find out what happened to Simon Kain's blood. He gives her five Beta-Tablets, six Revolver Ammo, and a Repellent Cape.
The Changeling searches the Short Block of the Termitary and finds that Rubin is already gone. On the first floor, she meets the Bachelor. On the top floor, she finds the Haruspex. After talking to them, she returns to Georgiy. Despite not finding Rubin, Georgiy is still willing to talk to her and advises she also speak to his brother Victor Kain for advise on how to enter the Polyhedron.
After speaking to Victor, the Changeling climbs the Polyhedron and enters the tower to speak to Khan. Khan will agree to let her enter. She makes her way to the very bottom of the stairs and enters a special room. She will find two children there and she can speak to them. The Changeling then exits the Polyhedron and returns to the Cathedral.
The Inquisitor will be upset by the Changeling's success and attempts to banish her from the Town. The Changeling seeks shelter with the Army Commander, Alexander Block, who is at the Town Hall.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Bachelor"
Maria Kaina will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Bachelor. The Bachelor will be found in the house just east of Andrey Stamatin's Pub. There will be a patrolman and two young men guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Haruspex is, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 3000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Bachelor that he is in danger, she will receive 5 reputation. Upon telling Maria that the Bachelor is safe, Maria will give her 3000 to 4000 money, a bottle of Morphine, and one Neomycinium.
If the Changeling tells the Bachelor to stay put and finds the Haruspex, she can tell the Haruspex where the Bachelor is hiding. The Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Haruspex"
The Inquisitor will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Haruspex. The Haruspex will be found in a house just west of the Lump. It is the northern of two long houses that are right next to the Lump. There will be two Worms and a Butcher guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Bachelor is and tells the Haruspex where to find him, the Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Haruspex, she will gain 5 reputation. Upon telling the Inquisitor that the Haruspex is safe, she will receive 2000 money and one Monomycinium.
If the Changeling tells the Haruspex to stay put and finds the Bachelor, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 3000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling's sister will be found in the house that is directly southwest of the Stairway to Heaven located in the Chine district. After finding her sister, the Changeling must look for her sister's followers.
The Changeling will find the followers in the yard behind Isidor Burakh's House. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers, the Bachelor, and the Haruspex
Day 10
Today, the Changeling can tell the Inquisitor that she cleansed the Chine district yesterday and receive 4000 to 5000 money, five Beta-Tablets, and 30 reputation.
Main Quest: "Simon"
The Changeling will receive a letter from Notkin in the morning telling her that everyone's been talking about her and that Stanislav Rubin has a discovery to share with her. After talking to Notkin at the Soul-and-a-Half Fortress, she heads to Rubin's Prosectorium and finds the Bachelor there. The Bachelor tells her that Rubin had gone to the Kains and hasn't been seen since. She goes to the Crucible and talks to Maria Kaina who says that Rubin has been imprisoned.
Soldiers will be guarding the entrance to the prison at the Town Hall and says she cannot enter without Alexander Block's permission. Block says that he didn't order Rubin to be arrested, but instead they arrested someone who had been trying to capture Rubin. Block will tell the soldiers to let the Changeling enter the prison.
The Changeling finds that the prison is infected. She makes her way to the last cell on the right and finds a young man who says that he can guide her to where Rubin is. She convinces Block to release him and will find the young man standing outside the Town Hall. He says that Rubin is inside of Factory Building #3 in the Works. When she gets there, she finds the Haruspex who had also gone there to try and free Rubin. He tells her that apparently Rubin had been taken somewhere near the Theatre.
Rubin will not be inside the Theatre. The Changeling heads behind the Theatre and finds the Rat Prophet standing on top of a tunnel entrance. After talking to the Rat Prophet, she enters the tunnels. Two young men will try to attack her. She finds Rubin and he tells her that she has the power to use her Bound as sacrifices to save the town.
Side Quest: "On Traces of the Bachelor"
Maria Kaina will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Bachelor. The Bachelor will be in the Mouth district, in a house directly across from the Park. It will be the house that is directly west of the food shop. There will be a patrolman and two young men guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Haruspex is, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 4000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Bachelor that he is in danger, she will receive 5 reputation. Upon telling Maria that the Bachelor is safe, Maria will give her 4000 to 5000 money and two Feromycinum.
If the Changeling tells the Bachelor to stay put and finds the Haruspex, she can tell the Haruspex where the Bachelor is hiding. The Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "On Traces of the Haruspex"
The Inquisitor will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Haruspex. The Haruspex is in the Hindquarters district, east of the Willows. East of the Willows, there is a grouping of four houses bunched together, across from the medicine shop. The Haruspex is in the bottom right of those four houses. There will be two Worms and a Butcher guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Bachelor is and tells the Haruspex where to find him, the Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Haruspex, she will gain 5 reputation. Upon telling the Inquisitor that the Haruspex is safe, she will receive 4000 to 5000 money, Monomycinium, and Feromycinum.
If the Changeling tells the Haruspex to stay put and finds the Bachelor, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 4000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling's sister will be found in the Skinners district. She is in the house that is right at the northern entrance of the Bone Stake Lot. There will be an army soldier and flamethrower in front of the house. After finding her sister, the Changeling must look for her sister's followers.
The Changeling will find the followers in a small yard north of the Park in a corner of the Marrow district. It will be the small corner space directly north of the house that the Bachelor was hiding in. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers, the Bachelor, and the Haruspex
Day 11
Main Quest: "The Bound"
The Changeling will speak to the Inquisitor about her plans. The Inquisitor says she will help if the Changeling is able to bring defeat the Bachelor and gives her some documents. She goes to ask Alexander Block for help and learns that the Bachelor has gone to the weapon by the Train Station in order to save Andrey Stamatin. If the Changeling goes to Andrey Stamatin's Pub, she will find the place crowded with soldiers and Andrey is missing.
At the Train Station, there will be a large group of soldiers standing in front of an open, empty carriage. They will become hostile if the Changeling approaches. At the rocks near that carriage, she will find two soldiers hiding there and learns that they are there to kill the rebel soldiers, but their officer was wounded. She heals the wounded soldier and watches them defeat the rebels. After the fight, she learns that the rebels had cancelled the execution and Andrey was able to escape with the Bachelor.
The Changeling will find the Bachelor and Andrey at Peter Stamatin's Loft, along with Peter Stamatin himself. She talks to Andrey and Peter who will tell her more about the Polyhedron. She can then talk to the Bachelor and hand him the documents from the Inquisitor. The Bachelor will ask for her help in buying more time; he wants to defeat the Haruspex who he says is working with the Inquisitor.
The Haruspex will be found in his lair. She learns that he is preparing for his final trial with Foreman Oyun. He is surprised to see her and says that her sister had already been there. The Changeling must convince him not to fight Oyun and to wait until the end of the day. She then heads to the Abattoir and talks to Oyun. Oyun will admit to his wrongdoings and failures and agrees to become the first sacrifice. The Haruspex will be standing outside of the Foreman's chamber and she will tell him about Oyun's decision.
She returns to the Cathedral and talks to the Inquisitor who rejects her work and tries to banish her from Town, again. The Changeling talks to Block, who is able to accept the Changeling's solution. She must now decide who to sacrifice from her remaining Bound. She requires a total of seven sacrifices, of which Oyun is already one, so she needs six more.
The remaining Bound whom the Changeling must choose six sacrifices from are Stanislav Rubin, Bad Grief, Yulia Lyuricheva, Lara Ravel, Anna Angel, Katerina Saburova, Alexander Saburov, and Aspity. After choosing the sacrifices and speaking to them to ensure they will be prepared tomorrow, she returns to Block.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Bachelor"
Commander Block will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Bachelor. The Bachelor will be in the northern entrance of the building that is directly northeast of Maria Kaina's wing. There will be a patrolman and two young men guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Haruspex is, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 5000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Bachelor that he is in danger, she will receive 5 reputation. Upon telling Block that the Bachelor is safe, Block will give her 5000 money and one Delta-Tablet.
If the Changeling tells the Bachelor to stay put and finds the Haruspex, she can tell the Haruspex where the Bachelor is hiding. The Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Tracking Down the Haruspex"
The Inquisitor will send the Changeling a letter asking her to find the Haruspex. The Haruspex is in the house directly west of Aspity's Hospice. There will be two Worms and a Butcher guarding him and they will attack the Changeling.
If the Changeling already knows where the Bachelor is and tells the Haruspex where to find him, the Haruspex will give her five Beta-Tablets and she will lose 5 reputation.
If the Changeling warns the Haruspex, she will gain 5 reputation. Upon telling the Inquisitor that the Haruspex is safe, she will receive 4000 to 5000 money, one Delta-Tablet, and one Feromycinum.
If the Changeling tells the Haruspex to stay put and finds the Bachelor, she can tell the Bachelor where to find him. The Bachelor will give her 5000 money and she will lose 5 reputation.
Side Quest: "Little Sister"
The Changeling's sister will be found in the Backbone district. She is in the small octogonal-shaped house just south of the Town Hall. After finding her sister, the Changeling must look for her sister's followers.
The Changeling will find the followers in a yard to the east of the Shelter. It is the yard surrounded by a small octogonal-shaped house and several long houses. The Changeling must prove that she is the real harbinger and perform a miracle for them to disperse. She should not pretend to be her sister, the "bad" Clara, whom they are waiting for.
The locations of the Changeling's sister and her Followers, the Bachelor, and the Haruspex
Day 12
Main Quest: "The Final Proceedings"
The Changeling receives a letter from the Inquisitor reminding her that at 19:00, the Cathedral will be opened for her to enter and make a decision regarding the fate of the Town, if her Bound are all free of disease. She will also receive letters from the Haruspex and the Bachelor at 8:00, both requesting to speak with him and to help cure their Bound so they can also go to the Cathedral and argue their case for the fate of the Town.
The Bachelor will be in the Stillwater. The Haruspex will be at his lair. The Changeling may speak with them and choose to cure their Bound using Shmowders and Panacea. Sick Bound members will have an Executor standing outside of their place of residence.
Once the Changeling heals a set of adherents, she may tell the other healer that their Bound are all cured and invite them to the council that will be held at the Cathedral. When all of the Changeling's own Bound and another healer's Bound are all cured, she will receive a letter from The Powers That Be which invites her to the Polyhedron. She can enter the Polyhedron and speak with them. If the Changeling cures every single Bound, then she will receive another letter after meeting The Powers That Be, inviting her to the Theatre. Inside the Theatre, there are two people she can talk to.
At 19:00, the Changeling enters the Cathedral and speaks with everyone inside. She tells Alexander Block her decision and speaks with everyone again. She may then go to sleep and the game ends once midnight arrives.