Pathologic Wiki

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Pathologic Wiki

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Yulia Lyuricheva. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • I'm afraid there’s not too much use left in me now.
  • The room needs to be aired, but I have no wish to do so.
  • How lonely it is here.
  • My chest seems to be filled with cotton.
  • Hands, wadded such weakness in hands.
  • Recently, I remember simple things. Weakness.
  • While reason aspires to one goal, the heart imperceptibly strives for another.
  • Through variability and unsteadiness that seems to reign the world, a certain latent coupling of events appears.
  • The most freakish folly usually happens in the generation for the most refined reason.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) This girl, Devotress. She's not a murderer.
  • (Bachelor) I'm afraid this is natural. Simon has been doomed.

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) Everything rises in price so fast. In such conditions, any inheritance is suitable.
  • (Bachelor) Who will take responsibility for us?

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) Devotress is very lovely. I’m fond of her, as my own daughter.
  • (Devotress) They say it's neither cholera nor the plague. So, this is not so terrible!
  • (Bachelor / Devotress) Do people really die of this?

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) Haruspicus spoke with Lara Ravel. What could they have in common?
  • (Bachelor) How is it possible to cure this illness?
  • (Haruspicus) The Bachelor has found out what tablets can help from the disease.
  • (Haruspicus) Is there a medication for this illness?

Day 5


Day 6

  • (Bachelor) People perish from bustle. The Town is in an agony. There are panic throwings in the street. Here's the causa mortis.
  • (Bachelor) No, she is not like an evil spirit. She is really not like us.
  • (Devotress) The Bachelor again hunts for the murderer. Probably he will be lucky the third time.
  • (Devotress) Someone has desecrated the crypts in the Stone Yard.

Day 7

  • (Haruspicus) But in fact, it could be Herman Orff.
  • (Devotress) It was Aglaja that taught Haruspicus how to finish panacea.
  • (Haruspicus / Devotress) No, she is a doubtless professional. An expert.

Day 8


Day 9

  • (Haruspicus) Have you seen this gun? It is possible to shoot down the moon from the sky with it.
  • (Haruspicus) Or Devotress thinks that Simon is hiding in Polyhedron?

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) Let all of us be lost, but the Town should live. Such towns do not even exist anymore.
  • (Bachelor) The elder Kains die. It’s impossible to intimidate them. What’s the reason?

Day 11

  • (Haruspicus) The Bachelor’s fallen in love with the Tower of Children.
  • (Devotress) The orphan became a significant figure. It is possible to tell, he has achieved the limits of power.
  • (Haruspicus / Devotress) Won't they really even take the healthy out? What's happening?

Day 12

  • My branch was called "Stretchings of Destiny". I had to convincingly pronounce the logic of inevitability because I had attained it by my own efforts.
  • If people like me are enough, the Town will remain the same. We shall devote ourselves to Klara. It’s not a pity to martyr yourself to a new Mistress.

Pathologic Classic


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • I'm afraid I'm of little use now.
  • I should let some fresh air into the room, but I don't feel like it.
  • It's so lonely here.
  • My chest seems to be filled with cotton wool.
  • My arms are flaccid, as if made of cotton wool.
  • I keep forgetting the most basic things these days.
  • As the mind endeavors to reach one goal, the heart insensibly drags us toward another.
  • There are unseen connections looking through the capricity and tenuity that the world seems to be made of.
  • The most subtle folly grows out of the most subtle wisdom.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) This girl is a Changeling. She's not the murderer.
  • (Bachelor) I'm afraid it's natural. Simon was doomed.

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) Prices are rising so quickly. Any kind of inheritance would come in very handy these days.
  • (Bachelor) Who will take care of us?

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) Changeling is very sweet. I love her as one of my own.
  • (Changeling) They say it's neither cholera nor pox. So it's not that bad?
  • (Bachelor / Changeling) Is it really fatal?

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) Haruspex talked to Lara Ravel. What could they possibly have in common?
  • (Bachelor) What can cure this disease?
  • (Haruspex) Bachelor knows which pills help.
  • (Haruspex) How can one cure this disease?

Day 5


Day 6

  • (Bachelor) People die scurrying from their homes. The Town is in agony. There's panic on the streets. Here's your causa mortis.
  • (Bachelor) She doesn't look like an evil spirit. She's indeed unlike us.
  • (Changeling) Bachelor is after the killer once again? Third time's the charm?
  • (Changeling) Someone's desecrated the tombs in the Stone Yard.

Day 7

  • (Haruspex) Well, it could have been Herman Orff.
  • (Changeling) It was Aglaya that taught Haruspex how to finish the panacea.
  • (Haruspex / Changeling) She's undoubtedly a professional. A master of her trade.

Day 8


Day 9

  • (Haruspex) Have you seen the cannon? You can hit the moon with it.
  • (Haruspex) Does Changeling really think Simon's hiding in the Polyhedron?

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) Even if we all lay down our lives here, the Town itself must live. They don't make towns like this anymore.
  • (Bachelor) The senior Kains are passing away? They can't be daunted. Why, then?

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) Bachelor fell in love with Children's Tower.
  • (Changeling) The orphan has become an important figure. One can say he's attained ultimate power.
  • (Haruspex / Changeling) Won't they at least evacuate the uninfected? What's going on?

Day 12

  • My path was called "Trip Wires of Fate". I had to elaborate upon the logic of imminence since I’ve discovered it myself.
  • If there's enough people like me, the Town will stay the same. We'll surrender ourselves to Clara unregretted. A rotten life belongs to the new Mistress.

Pathologic 2

  • An act leads to a habit; a habit leads to a character; a character leads to a conclusion.
  • Shall it rain? Shall it snow? Don't ask again: I don't know.
  • I'm afraid it's natural. Simon's fate was inevitable.
  • If you tarry, you'll die unshriven.
  • I'm not crying, my eyes are just watering.
  • Nineteen, twenty-five… thirty-four… enough.
  • Let's break this down into simpler terms.
  • From any two vectors, you can add together a point.
  • When I secluded myself in silence, the world around me got louder.
  • A smart person crosses the stream where it's shallowest. But I'm not smart.
  • The lines on your palm lead nowhere, but they can be graphed. And the graph is a simple mapping—it's asymptotic.
  • "Research." Verb. To re-search. To seek out again what others have already found.
  • I'd leave this place… but I myself have laid the roads of this town such that all curve back to their origin.
  • Converging sequences… no. This is wrong.
  • A woman's nerves can only take so much.
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • I'm afraid I'm not much use now.
  • It's so lonely here.
  • My chest feels stuffed with cotton.
  • I keep forgetting the simplest things these days.
  • There are unseen threads snaking through the tumult that the world seems made of.
  • (Bachelor) I ought to let some fresh air in, but… I'd prefer not to.
  • (Bachelor) Don't repeat the Oneirotects’ mistakes, friend. Do not wake.
  • (Changeling) Lucky girl. You'll never be lonely.
  • My path was called "Tripwires of Fate." I built the roads of this town such that humans became red blood cells in its veins. And I laid bare the logic of immanence.

Day 4-11

  • Does anyone know which pills work?
  • Won't you do something?
  • Whose problem have we become?
  • They say it's neither cholera nor pox. So it can't be that bad, can it?
  • My arms are as limp as a rag doll's.

Day 5-11

  • People die from reckless haste, the Town suffers, the streets are choked with panic. There’s your causa mortis.
  • Even if we all perish, the Town must survive. It's unique.
  • My voice is ragged. Perhaps I should quit smoking. Or is it pointless now anyway?

Day 7-11

  • She's clearly a professional. A specialist in her trade.
  • (Haruspex / Changeling) Dankovsky's fallen in love with the Children's Tower.

Day 9-11

  • Won't they at least evacuate the uninfected? What's going on?

